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Christi's Precision Brow Planing System is for ALL brow types, enhancing and solving anyone's needs no matter the age or skill set. Bushy and shapeless brows can become more defined while skimpy and browless brows can look fuller without appearing heavy and fake. Continue reading through the Plane Truth About Brows to learn more about Precision Brow Planing™ and the difference it can make for you.


  • By applying the brow map, we showed her where her beginning, arch and tail are creating a customized brow for her facial structure.
  • Applying Adda Brow first holds the little bit of Dark Brown Brow Pigment that gives the brow the color it needs.



  • Notice in her before how sparse her brows are and they don't really have a shape to them. By applying the Precision Brow Planing steps she is able to create a natural brow with what she already had.
  • Applying the LIFT-N-LITE directly underneath and above the brows enhances the arch and highlights the brow bone.


  • Notice the difference in the after, by removing a little more hair than just strays it lifted her eyes giving a more youthful appearance.
  • Applying the LIFT-N-LITE directly underneath and above the brows enhances the arch and highlights the brow bone.



  • Since she didn't have much hair to begin with, using the Precision Brow Planing System brow map we were able to show her where the beginning, arch and end of tail are placed. Adda Brow was stippled in place creating a hair like texture for natural brows.
  • Applying the LIFT-N-LITE directly underneath and above the brows enhances the arch and highlights the brow bone.



  • Notice the difference in the after, by removing a little more hair than just strays it lifted her eyes.
  • Applying Adda Brow and Dark Brown Brow Pigment gave her brows just the right amount of color they needed.



If our eyes are the windows to our soul, the brows are definitely the window dressing! Beautifully shaped and groomed eyebrows create a frame and focus to our most expressive facial feature. Often ignored as being unnecessary or feared for potentially looking unnatural, brow maintenance needn’t be intimidating or frustrating. The key lies in recreating your best brow regardless of age, ethnicity, personal style and lifestyle.

Throughout history, beautiful women have been revered for their brows. Consider Cleopatra, Jean Harlow, Grace Kelly, and more recently Beyonce` Knowles, Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Aniston and Nicole Kidman … each of these ladies, while quite different from each other, are universally considered beauties. The common denominator is the brow—yes, the brow! Proportionate to their face and eye shape, meticulously groomed and manicured, yet completely natural in appearance, the eyebrow balances and highlights other facial features, lifts the eye area and mimics a more youthful appearance. Of course, these ladies have had an advantage over many … with access to professional brow artisans, on whom they depend to regularly shape and shade their brows. With my revolutionary Precision Brow Planing™ System, women everywhere may now enjoy the luxury of being their own brow artist, reaping the aesthetic benefits of a beautifully natural brow—right at home!

Tried and torturous methods of the past—waxing, tweezing, threading—are painful, inconsistent, irritating and prove damaging to the skin and hair follicles. Simply removing unwanted hairs will not leave us with our best brow. Many women no longer have the full brow of their youth because of these antiquated methods. We must remedy the size, shape and shade if we are to face the world with blissful brows. One step is just not enough to create balance and beauty.

Through this instructional guide, utilizing my See It. Learn It. Do It.™ philosophy, you will learn how to measure the perfectly proportioned brow to your individual face and eye silhouette , achieve a classic, ageless arch, fill gaps and sparseness from years of subpar removal methods, and shade the brow in a soft, natural hue.

Yes, there will be a brief learning curve as we explore Precision Brow Planing™. But as with anything new, be it a software program, sport, or hairstyling tool, a little practice is all it takes to gain comfort. Soon you’ll be a pro, never again tempted to disregard this critical step. From celebrities to soccer moms, every face benefits from a beautiful brow.




"If our eyes are the windows to our soul, the brows are definitely the window dressing! Beautifully shaped and groomed eyebrows create a frame and focus to our most expressive facial feature."

Christi Harris




fter years educating and serving women in the beauty industry, a common frustration emerged as the front-runner in a long list which women experienced—the BROW’s. Some were bushy and out of control, perched like twin caterpillars above the eyes. Some were Twiggy-brows, skinny and skimpy from years of overzealous tweezing and waxing. Most were shapeless with not an arch in sight. Thus, as how often we handle frustrating issues, the brows were either ignored or over-worked, leaving women lacking this critical facial feature, or frankly even more catastrophic, painted patent-black in the dreaded Mommy Dearest fashion.

If women tended their brows at all, the preferred method was tweezing or waxing. Neither technique addressed the entire issue—proportion, shape and shade—and actually left us with irritated, damaged skin and permanently impaired hair follicles!

Hair removal is an important step in brow grooming, particularly for the caterpillar-types, but hair removal is but one piece of the perfect brow puzzle. Shape and shade are critical to the total look. Considering that brow hair does not grow in a strategic pattern like soldiers on course, it is impossible to wax or tweeze in any consistent, precise manner, regardless of how experienced the technician may be. Brow hair simply does not lend itself to ‘pick-pruning’—attempting to tweeze a single stray hair and instead, removing two. Rather, this imprecise method creates gaps and asymmetry. Further it is common knowledge that our faces are asymmetrical from left to right. Therefore, it’s both logical and factual that our brows can vary greatly in hair growth patterns, density and consistency from one side of our face to the other, leaving it unfeasible to maintain uniformity—appointment to appointment, technician to technician—with waxing or tweezing.

Along came other methods of brow maintenance. As our country has increased in ethnic diversity, threading has become a popular hair removal method. Yet threading is unsanitary, incredibly painful and still removes hair from the root, continuing in the pattern of damage and irritation, and leaving the brow lacking.

In an effort to pursue our continued quest for effective maintenance and attractive brows, tattoos, dyes and stencils emerged as the ‘latest and greatest’. Unfortunately, tattoos are unnatural in appearance, considerably risky, inflexible and unaccommodating to an aging face, and most frighteningly … permanent—a tragedy if the result is not perfect! Dyes are nearly as unattractive as tattoos and also carry serious risks. As well, dyeing the brows only addresses the color of the brow hairs present … shape and fullness cannot be achieved using dyes or tattoos. Lastly, stencils are impossible to maneuver, leaving a comical shape that screams, “stenciled brows”. Every face is different. The cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all approach clearly cannot, does not serve every face.

From these methods and madness emanated the Precision Brow Planing™ System. A totally unique approach, Brow Planing™ solves, once and for all, the issues of damaged, irritated skin and hair follicles, inconsistency and imprecision of any other technique. The Precision Brow Planer™, years in its design and perfection, is deliberate in its size, blade length, shape, angle, and maneuverability. Other instruments are available, but there exists no imitation of this tool that offers what the Christi Harris Precision Brow Planer™ delivers. And that’s the Plane truth!

Of course, it is vital to gain a level of comfort with any new tool or technique. The Precision Brow Planer™ is no exception. To begin, hold the Brow Planer™ in a comfy hand position, somewhat like a pencil. With the blade flat against the back of the hand, plane away a few hairs, feeling the texture of the blade. See how easily it handles? And it is absolutely painless! The result will be identical when it comes to Planing the brow. Once comfortable and confident, plane a few hairs from between the brows. Again—with the blade flat to the skin— gently move the planer downward against the hair growth. That’s it! Now you’re ready to go!










Christi's Precision Brow Planing System is for ALL brow types, enhancing and solving anyone's needs no matter the age or skill set. Bushy and shapeless brows can become more defined while skimpy and browless brows can look fuller without appearing heavy and fake. Continue reading through the Plane Truth About Brows to learn more about Precision Brow Planing™ and the difference it can make for you.



If our eyes are the windows to our soul, the brows are definitely the window dressing! Beautifully shaped and groomed eyebrows create a frame and focus to our most expressive facial feature. Often ignored as being unnecessary or feared for potentially looking unnatural, brow maintenance needn’t be intimidating or frustrating. The key lies in recreating your best brow regardless of age, ethnicity, personal style and lifestyle.

Throughout history, beautiful women have been revered for their brows. Consider Cleopatra, Jean Harlow, Grace Kelly, and more recently Beyonce` Knowles, Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Aniston and Nicole Kidman … each of these ladies, while quite different from each other, are universally considered beauties. The common denominator is the brow—yes, the brow! Proportionate to their face and eye shape, meticulously groomed and manicured, yet completely natural in appearance, the eyebrow balances and highlights other facial features, lifts the eye area and mimics a more youthful appearance. Of course, these ladies have had an advantage over many … with access to professional brow artisans, on whom they depend to regularly shape and shade their brows. With my revolutionary Precision Brow Planing™ System, women everywhere may now enjoy the luxury of being their own brow artist, reaping the aesthetic benefits of a beautifully natural brow—right at home!

Tried and torturous methods of the past—waxing, tweezing, threading—are painful, inconsistent, irritating and prove damaging to the skin and hair follicles. Simply removing unwanted hairs will not leave us with our best brow. Many women no longer have the full brow of their youth because of these antiquated methods. We must remedy the size, shape and shade if we are to face the world with blissful brows. One step is just not enough to create balance and beauty.

Through this instructional guide, utilizing my See It. Learn It. Do It.™ philosophy, you will learn how to measure the perfectly proportioned brow to your individual face and eye silhouette , achieve a classic, ageless arch, fill gaps and sparseness from years of subpar removal methods, and shade the brow in a soft, natural hue.

Yes, there will be a brief learning curve as we explore Precision Brow Planing™. But as with anything new, be it a software program, sport, or hairstyling tool, a little practice is all it takes to gain comfort. Soon you’ll be a pro, never again tempted to disregard this critical step. From celebrities to soccer moms, every face benefits from a beautiful brow.




"If our eyes are the windows to our soul, the brows are definitely the window dressing! Beautifully shaped and groomed eyebrows create a frame and focus to our most expressive facial feature."

Christi Harris




fter years educating and serving women in the beauty industry, a common frustration emerged as the front-runner in a long list which women experienced—the BROW’s. Some were bushy and out of control, perched like twin caterpillars above the eyes. Some were Twiggy-brows, skinny and skimpy from years of overzealous tweezing and waxing. Most were shapeless with not an arch in sight. Thus, as how often we handle frustrating issues, the brows were either ignored or over-worked, leaving women lacking this critical facial feature, or frankly even more catastrophic, painted patent-black in the dreaded Mommy Dearest fashion.

If women tended their brows at all, the preferred method was tweezing or waxing. Neither technique addressed the entire issue—proportion, shape and shade—and actually left us with irritated, damaged skin and permanently impaired hair follicles!

Hair removal is an important step in brow grooming, particularly for the caterpillar-types, but hair removal is but one piece of the perfect brow puzzle. Shape and shade are critical to the total look. Considering that brow hair does not grow in a strategic pattern like soldiers on course, it is impossible to wax or tweeze in any consistent, precise manner, regardless of how experienced the technician may be. Brow hair simply does not lend itself to ‘pick-pruning’—attempting to tweeze a single stray hair and instead, removing two. Rather, this imprecise method creates gaps and asymmetry. Further it is common knowledge that our faces are asymmetrical from left to right. Therefore, it’s both logical and factual that our brows can vary greatly in hair growth patterns, density and consistency from one side of our face to the other, leaving it unfeasible to maintain uniformity—appointment to appointment, technician to technician—with waxing or tweezing.

Along came other methods of brow maintenance. As our country has increased in ethnic diversity, threading has become a popular hair removal method. Yet threading is unsanitary, incredibly painful and still removes hair from the root, continuing in the pattern of damage and irritation, and leaving the brow lacking. 

In an effort to pursue our continued quest for effective maintenance and attractive brows, tattoos, dyes and stencils emerged as the ‘latest and greatest’. Unfortunately, tattoos are unnatural in appearance, considerably risky, inflexible and unaccommodating to an aging face, and most frighteningly … permanent—a tragedy if the result is not perfect! Dyes are nearly as unattractive as tattoos and also carry serious risks. As well, dyeing the brows only addresses the color of the brow hairs present … shape and fullness cannot be achieved using dyes or tattoos. Lastly, stencils are impossible to maneuver, leaving a comical shape that screams, “stenciled brows”. Every face is different. The cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all approach clearly cannot, does not serve every face.

From these methods and madness emanated the Precision Brow Planing™ System. A totally unique approach, Brow Planing™ solves, once and for all, the issues of damaged, irritated skin and hair follicles, inconsistency and imprecision of any other technique. The Precision Brow Planer™, years in its design and perfection, is deliberate in its size, blade length, shape, angle, and maneuverability. Other instruments are available, but there exists no imitation of this tool that offers what the Christi Harris Precision Brow Planer™ delivers. And that’s the Plane truth!

From these methods and madness emanated the Precision Brow Planing™ System. A totally unique approach, Brow Planing™ solves, once and for all, the issues of damaged, irritated skin and hair follicles, inconsistency and imprecision of any other technique. The Precision Brow Planer™, years in its design and perfection, is deliberate in its size, blade length, shape, angle, and maneuverability. Other instruments are available, but there exists no imitation of this tool that offers what the Christi Harris Precision Brow Planer™ delivers. And that’s the Plane truth!

Of course, it is vital to gain a level of comfort with any new tool or technique. The Precision Brow Planer™ is no exception. To begin, hold the Brow Planer™ in a comfy hand position, somewhat like a pencil. With the blade flat against the back of the hand, plane away a few hairs, feeling the texture of the blade. See how easily it handles? And it is absolutely painless! The result will be identical when it comes to Planing the brow. Once comfortable and confident, plane a few hairs from between the brows. Again—with the blade flat to the skin— gently move the planer downward against the hair growth. That’s it! Now you’re ready to go!










Christi's Precision Brow Planing System is for ALL brow types, enhancing and solving anyone's needs no matter the age or skill set. Bushy and shapeless brows can become more defined while skimpy and browless brows can look fuller without appearing heavy and fake. Continue reading through the Plane Truth About Brows to learn more about Precision Brow Planing™ and the difference it can make for you.



If our eyes are the windows to our soul, the brows are definitely the window dressing! Beautifully shaped and groomed eyebrows create a frame and focus to our most expressive facial feature. Often ignored as being unnecessary or feared for potentially looking unnatural, brow maintenance needn’t be intimidating or frustrating. The key lies in recreating your best brow regardless of age, ethnicity, personal style and lifestyle.

Throughout history, beautiful women have been revered for their brows. Consider Cleopatra, Jean Harlow, Grace Kelly, and more recently Beyonce` Knowles, Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Aniston and Nicole Kidman … each of these ladies, while quite different from each other, are universally considered beauties. The common denominator is the brow—yes, the brow! Proportionate to their face and eye shape, meticulously groomed and manicured, yet completely natural in appearance, the eyebrow balances and highlights other facial features, lifts the eye area and mimics a more youthful appearance. Of course, these ladies have had an advantage over many … with access to professional brow artisans, on whom they depend to regularly shape and shade their brows. With my revolutionary Precision Brow Planing™ System, women everywhere may now enjoy the luxury of being their own brow artist, reaping the aesthetic benefits of a beautifully natural brow—right at home!

Tried and torturous methods of the past—waxing, tweezing, threading—are painful, inconsistent, irritating and prove damaging to the skin and hair follicles. Simply removing unwanted hairs will not leave us with our best brow. Many women no longer have the full brow of their youth because of these antiquated methods. We must remedy the size, shape and shade if we are to face the world with blissful brows. One step is just not enough to create balance and beauty.

Through this instructional guide, utilizing my See It. Learn It. Do It.™ philosophy, you will learn how to measure the perfectly proportioned brow to your individual face and eye silhouette , achieve a classic, ageless arch, fill gaps and sparseness from years of subpar removal methods, and shade the brow in a soft, natural hue.

Yes, there will be a brief learning curve as we explore Precision Brow Planing™. But as with anything new, be it a software program, sport, or hairstyling tool, a little practice is all it takes to gain comfort. Soon you’ll be a pro, never again tempted to disregard this critical step. From celebrities to soccer moms, every face benefits from a beautiful brow.




"If our eyes are the windows to our soul, the brows are definitely the window dressing! Beautifully shaped and groomed eyebrows create a frame and focus to our most expressive facial feature."

Christi Harris




fter years educating and serving women in the beauty industry, a common frustration emerged as the front-runner in a long list which women experienced—the BROW’s. Some were bushy and out of control, perched like twin caterpillars above the eyes. Some were Twiggy-brows, skinny and skimpy from years of overzealous tweezing and waxing. Most were shapeless with not an arch in sight. Thus, as how often we handle frustrating issues, the brows were either ignored or over-worked, leaving women lacking this critical facial feature, or frankly even more catastrophic, painted patent-black in the dreaded Mommy Dearest fashion.

If women tended their brows at all, the preferred method was tweezing or waxing. Neither technique addressed the entire issue—proportion, shape and shade—and actually left us with irritated, damaged skin and permanently impaired hair follicles!

Hair removal is an important step in brow grooming, particularly for the caterpillar-types, but hair removal is but one piece of the perfect brow puzzle. Shape and shade are critical to the total look. Considering that brow hair does not grow in a strategic pattern like soldiers on course, it is impossible to wax or tweeze in any consistent, precise manner, regardless of how experienced the technician may be. Brow hair simply does not lend itself to ‘pick-pruning’—attempting to tweeze a single stray hair and instead, removing two. Rather, this imprecise method creates gaps and asymmetry. Further it is common knowledge that our faces are asymmetrical from left to right. Therefore, it’s both logical and factual that our brows can vary greatly in hair growth patterns, density and consistency from one side of our face to the other, leaving it unfeasible to maintain uniformity—appointment to appointment, technician to technician—with waxing or tweezing.

Along came other methods of brow maintenance. As our country has increased in ethnic diversity, threading has become a popular hair removal method. Yet threading is unsanitary, incredibly painful and still removes hair from the root, continuing in the pattern of damage and irritation, and leaving the brow lacking. 

In an effort to pursue our continued quest for effective maintenance and attractive brows, tattoos, dyes and stencils emerged as the ‘latest and greatest’. Unfortunately, tattoos are unnatural in appearance, considerably risky, inflexible and unaccommodating to an aging face, and most frighteningly … permanent—a tragedy if the result is not perfect! Dyes are nearly as unattractive as tattoos and also carry serious risks. As well, dyeing the brows only addresses the color of the brow hairs present … shape and fullness cannot be achieved using dyes or tattoos. Lastly, stencils are impossible to maneuver, leaving a comical shape that screams, “stenciled brows”. Every face is different. The cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all approach clearly cannot, does not serve every face.

From these methods and madness emanated the Precision Brow Planing™ System. A totally unique approach, Brow Planing™ solves, once and for all, the issues of damaged, irritated skin and hair follicles, inconsistency and imprecision of any other technique. The Precision Brow Planer™, years in its design and perfection, is deliberate in its size, blade length, shape, angle, and maneuverability. Other instruments are available, but there exists no imitation of this tool that offers what the Christi Harris Precision Brow Planer™ delivers. And that’s the Plane truth!

From these methods and madness emanated the Precision Brow Planing™ System. A totally unique approach, Brow Planing™ solves, once and for all, the issues of damaged, irritated skin and hair follicles, inconsistency and imprecision of any other technique. The Precision Brow Planer™, years in its design and perfection, is deliberate in its size, blade length, shape, angle, and maneuverability. Other instruments are available, but there exists no imitation of this tool that offers what the Christi Harris Precision Brow Planer™ delivers. And that’s the Plane truth!

Of course, it is vital to gain a level of comfort with any new tool or technique. The Precision Brow Planer™ is no exception. To begin, hold the Brow Planer™ in a comfy hand position, somewhat like a pencil. With the blade flat against the back of the hand, plane away a few hairs, feeling the texture of the blade. See how easily it handles? And it is absolutely painless! The result will be identical when it comes to Planing the brow. Once comfortable and confident, plane a few hairs from between the brows. Again—with the blade flat to the skin— gently move the planer downward against the hair growth. That’s it! Now you’re ready to go!