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SKIN (n)

A highly elastic organ covering the entire outer surface of the human body, performing numerous functions essential to survival including prevention of fluid loss from the body tissues; protection against environmental toxins and micro-organisms; reception of heat, cold and pain sensations; regulation of normal body temperature; and maintenance of calcium levels. The three basic layers within the skin are the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous layer. Skin function is consistent regardless of age, gender or ethnicity.




More than 10 billion dead skin cells accumulate on the skins surface daily.


Sebaceous glands expel sebum (oil) that acts like glue attracting dead skin cells, dirt & surface oils that collect around a pore as it builds up, clogging the pore.


Drying surface skin only encourages more oil to surface.


If the skin is cleansed, pores cannot be clogged by applying oils on the surface of the skin. Oil from the sebaceous glands is the oil that clogs pores.


With clogged pores and dead skin cells there is no entry for moisture to hydrate the skin, resulting in dry and/or oily, irritated skin. This is where problems begin.


Skin will accept moisture, if dead skin barrier is gently exfoliated daily.


Exfoliating daily allows moisture to enter the skin without any existing barrier.


Moisture hydrates the skin giving it the level of moisture needed daily to remain normal.


Moisture must be sealed in the skin day and night with specific products formulated with appropriate sealants. No water-based product can seal moisture into the skin.


Moisture is the most critical element to maintain inside your skin.

Knowledge is power! And, can awaken an entirely new perspective on how you care for your skin and hair, making it effortless to appear more youthful. Understanding how the skin functions on the inside helps us also understand the why of skincare on the outside. Without knowledge, we may do more harm than good.

Consider this — Anatomically, skin functions only one way, therefore, it makes perfect sense that skincare should only work in one way. The solution is quite simple, opposed to varied and complex as some manufacturers would have you believe. As we have discussed we may ask, “Why are products advertised and sold for oily, dry, sensitive, problematic skin?” Good question. Are you willing to settle for a lifetime of skin issues, waiting and hoping for the ‘next best product’ to manage the challenges? When those so called, next best products don't work, your skin is left behind. Does it not make better sense to give your skin what it needs and finally have healthy, normal skin for a lifetime? Knowledge of skin function gives you the power to fix it forever. Once you understand the FACTS, you’ll be far less likely to (literally) buy into the expensive hype and false promises of advertising hoaxes, becoming a smarter, more educated consumer … one with beautiful skin and a healthier wallet!

So often, we discuss common frustrations with friends and family … including changes we experience with age, realizing they too are suffering from similar issues. We want to know what the other is using; maybe it’s working better than what we’re using? And we all have that one acquaintance who looks dynamite every single time we see her. She appears to be a beauty authority because she never ages. Upon seeing her, our first thought could be, “I’ll use what she’s using!”  Yet, for all we know she spends hours of her time and thousands of her dollars at medical-spas getting injections or a nip and a tuck from the plastic surgeon, turning her maintenance over to others, not understanding what she could do on her own with long term results. If so, those decisions are hers to make without judgement from anyone. Simply consider she may look great for the moment, but in time, without proper Self-Care at home, her skin will begin to utilize its natural defenses, rebelling against the torturous, destructive products prescribed and ... now what?

Ever feel as if we must be aware of, and guard ourselves against a million little things every day? Sometimes just watching the news can make us paranoid to leave our home; what with all the elements and chemicals and outside forces putting us at risk for damage and disease? RELAX! You have a great defender …your skin!

The skin is the largest organ of the human body. It is our front-line defender against all outside forces including the weather, elements, oxidants, free-radicals, toxins, germs, cuts, scrapes, bites … the list of its duties is endless. Skin is our external shield and merits our best Self-Care to not only maintain its health and beauty, but also to treat and protect it against aging damage. When we have problems with our skin, the skin will let us know as it will fight back. Our first clue, stop, identify the WHY, HOW, WHAT the skin needs.

At birth... skin begins its natural function of skin cell renewal... generating billions of new skin cells every day.

Everyday... dead cells collect on the surface of the skin, creating layers preventing water from entering the pores to hydrate & nourish the new cells below.

When dry & flaky skin occurs, it seems clear that one should moisturize. However, the moisture cannot get through the barrier of dead skin. Any additional product whether it be moisture, makeup or powder only increases the barrier buildup which leads to even drier skin. 

The skin begins to fight back and this is why we need to understand why we don't need to fight with our skin's natural function. Lack of moisture absorption causes problems by disrupting the regular function of oil production. The balance of the skin is altered causing dry patches and at the same time excess oil. Water or moisture can penetrate the skin's surface & has the ability to heal, moisturize & balance skin. When water or moisture can't absorb into the skin the sebaceous glands are sent false signals that the skin is dry & in need of more oil, leading to over-production. This oil, when combined with dead cell buildup, clogs pores & creates blemishes such as blackheads, whiteheads & acne.

The skin must be gently exfoliated DAILY for moisture to be absorbed. Using chemicals or aggressive methods is not recommended due to the disruption of the natural 28-day cell renewal cycle. Gentle exfoliation daily keeps dead skin cells & other factors from building a barrier and keeps the skin clear & constantly absorbing what the skin needs...moisture.

Cleansing skin with cool water encourages easier removal of dead skin cells & unclogs pores. Cooled skin will accept water more readily & deliver it deeper into the tissue. The face and neck should be masked weekly with a formula to naturally draw out impurities and thoroughly unclog pores so water has an open pathway for absorption. For skin to have 24-hr. nourishment a water based moisturizer needs to be covered with an oil based night cream to prevent water evaporation.

Other skin concerns can develop from the damaging effects of the environment. Sun exposure, chemicals and air-born irritants can aggravate rosacea, psoriasis, eczema and other disorders. These factors, combined with hormonal fluctuations and the ongoing aging process, rob the skin of its smoothness, firmness and elasticity. Balanced, healthy skin can only be achieved when you give your skin what it needs and when it needs it. Balanced skin is possible.

Christi has extensively researched how skin functions and proved how the skin can reach a normal balance within a short time. Developing and testing formulas to give the skin what it needs to normalize has given people the solution to maintaining perfect skin. Now skin can actually be balanced and repaired by using cleansing and treatment products containing natural ingredients, along with raw materials the skin needs to help moisture enter the skin and stay put. The skin cannot be tricked or it will fight back. It is our natural defender against bad elements and chemicals. When it is fed what it recognizes and in a precise and consistent order, it will accept it and love it.

With this knowledge, Christi created the Skincare Essentials and Skincare Provisions system formulated to mimic skin function, providing exactly what skin needs, when it needs it and in the appropriate proportions. Skin treatment fads have come and gone throughout the last several decades with the introduction and availability of harsh chemicals... alpha, beta and fruit acids, and a host of other ingredients, many synthetic, whose long-term effects we have seen are not pretty. However, in all these years, the Christi Harris Skincare Essentials System has never changed because when skin care is based on how the skin functions naturally—there is absolutely no advantage to change product steps or to utilize ingredients which, at the very least cannot improve the condition of the skin, and further could potentially cause harm.


Though we only see the outer layer, known as the epidermis, skin is comprised of many layers containing blood vessels, hormones, and a host of other tissues working simultaneously to safeguard our internal organs. The epidermis—composed of cells called keratinocytes, made of keratin, a hard substance that also forms your hair and nails—bonds with the next layer, the dermis. New skin cells are constantly being formed. As this happens, those new cells gradually push to the top layer, leaving dead skin cells behind. The top, exposed layer of dead cells is known as the stratum corneum.

The epidermis is in a constant state of renewal, with over 10 billion new skin cells generating daily. As I noted before, these newer cells continue to push to the surface, while older cells sit atop the visible outer layer of the skin where they die and become 'weathered' by the environment and daily activities. This cycle takes approximately one month to complete.

During this process, as aging cells make their way to the surface, they become trapped. The sebaceous glands expel sebum that acts like glue, attracting dead skin cells and clogging pores. Dirt, oil and dead skin collect around pores, building up and acting as a cap, much like a piece of tape covering the pore. In fact, for a quick example, stick a small piece of clear tape to your skin, then remove. What remains on the tape is dead skin cells and oil sitting on top of your newly developing skin. It is imperative that we gently exfoliate the dead cells and entrapped sebum DAILY. This one simple exercise is critical to help correct and prevent virtually any undesirable skin condition.

Skin thickness on different parts of the body varies greatly. For instance, soles of feet and palms of hands have thicknesses up to 4 millimeters, whereas knees and elbows are only 3 millimeters. Skin thickness varies with age and gender, too. Males typically have thicker skin than women; aging skin is generally thinner than more youthful skin.

So ... if thinner skin is generally a sign of aging would it be better if we had thicker skin? If you want your skin to experience a chemical natural disaster help is certainly available to do just that with Retin-A for the face and aggressive creams for troubled spots. These chemicals may cause the skin to become a bit thicker, only to sacrifice our skin to dryness, redness, wrinkles, sensitivity and severe irritation. All of which are results of the skin fighting back. This may be the time we girls don't need thick skin.

Any area that undergoes vigorous abrasion is naturally thicker than skin that is rarely grazed. But do you really want that? Keep this in mind next time you’re in the pedicure chair. Do not allow the technician to use harsh pumice—or even worse, the dreaded grater!

Skin may feel smoother for the moment, but because of our natural defenses, that skin will return thicker and more course than ever as the body attempts to “protect” what has been damaged. Much the same way callouses form on areas we continually irritate. Consider this when using harsh chemical exfoliants anywhere on your face or body such as retinol, salicylic, or alpha- and beta-hydroxy acid products and prescriptions whichever - exfoliate. Aggressive exfoliation will result in thickened, dry skin … definitely NOT desirous on the face, neck and décolletage and not even your feet.

Exfoliation, however, is a critical step in daily skincare; and there is a healthy method of exfoliation that will not only safely remove those billions of dead skin cells, naturally shed daily, but also leave skin better prepared to absorb moisture and nutrients daily.

Remember when we discussed how dead cells form a ‘cap’ on top of newly formed cells (in essence) ‘gluing’ sebum and grime to the skin's surface? Yuk! That dead skin, and everything attached, must be gently removed daily to expose beautiful, healthy new cells, and allow moisture and nutrients to absorb effectively. If the cap is not removed to let moisture feed the skin it will become dry, irritated and inflamed, causing an unattractive appearance and adverse reactions.

We put our face forward everyday. It stays with us forever. Put your face first and let Christi Harris share solutions that will benefit you forever. Our PROMISE!

Through endless research of known, proven science, Christi Harris grasped clearly the WHY skin reacts to proper care for restoration and continual optimum health.

From there, she developed the HOW; proper cleansing, preparation, gentle daily exfoliation, moisturization and sealing protectant.

Early in her career, she was stumped with the WHAT. As Christi searched diligently for a skin care line that worked with natural skin function in mind, nothing was available. Nothing!

As in true Christi Harris style, she set out to develop a complete line that was heretofore missing from the beauty aisle. The WHAT became and remains today Christi Harris Beauty.

Coining the phrase, “Makeover” in 1983, Christi Harris—Self-Care beauty innovator—developed a unique salon experience utilizing her personally designed and formulated professional products brand, teaching women tips & techniques for effective skin care and flawless makeup application. Clients left the salon looking and feeling fabulous, and because of her education-based revelation, taking with them detailed instruction on precisely how to recreate their new look at home.

Though the Christi Harris Makeover Center was the publicly acclaimed kickstart of her career. It certainly was not the beginning of her quest for the best in all things beauty. From a tender age, Christi’s innate talent, inquisitive spirit, and analytical mind led her to an industry sorely lacking in accurate, consistent information and products that delivered results as advertised.

Trust the Christi Harris brand with over 225 scientifically based, proven skin, hair & makeup essentials she passionately developed along with sound education and goof-proof tools that make you your own Self-Care Beauty Expert for life.

Filled with a wealth of knowledge in beauty & business following decades of relentless research & development, Christi shares all with her clients, empowering each to Be Your Own Kind Of Pretty. Everyday, all day at and the Christi Harris Self-Care Beauty Flagship in Dallas.

Q & A


It is embarrassing to consider how much money I have spent on beauty products that don’t do what they claim. There are different products for every part of my face & neck; some for wrinkles, lines & spots; others for breakouts, oiliness and dryness … and my skin is still unhappy!

Forgive yourself! It’s easy to get caught up in beauty product marketing hype. Welcome to Christi Harris—Innovating Beauty Solutions Since 1973. As with any subject, once we are educated and understand, knowledge prevails, empowering us to act accordingly. Once armed with facts about skin and skincare, you’ll never again fall prey to the propaganda.

Q & A


NO! NO! NO! Just as it is not necessary to visit your dentist to brush your teeth, you need not visit the salon to cleanse and treat your skin.

Christi has spent a lifetime not only creating products for healthy skin & hair, but moreover, teaching women, teens and men with the ‘WHY and HOW’ of proper self-care, rendering perfectly healthy and beautifully youthful skin & hair … no salon required.

Christi Harris is an educational platform, first and foremost, with the goal of liberating consumers to be their own life-long beauty expert.

Q & A


If, like countless others, you have fallen prey to many advertised trends and fads in skincare, you’ve likely experienced negative results from aggressive chemical exfoliants such as retinoids, alpha & beta hydroxy, glycolic, or salicylic acids, and manual exfoliants, such as rough-crushed seeds, polyethylene beads, or abrasive pads... all enemies of healthy skin. Not only are these products highly irritating, they can severely damage, even permanently scar your skin.

Kudos for your awareness that exfoliation is a necessary step to healthy skin. However, the only way to safely achieve this step is through gentle means using a nourishing exfoliant cream such as Christi’s Exfoliating Cream, Honey & Almond, containing the perfect blend of ground deshelled almonds for exfoliation and honey for its anti-bacterial and soothing effects.

Q & A


Daily exfoliation is absolutely necessary. Remember more than 10 billion dead skin cells accumulate on the skins surface daily. If you only exfoliate once weekly, for example, you will collect days of cells and other debris around pores, creating problem skin.

Try this simple test. Place a piece of clear tape on your skin, then peel it off. The oil and dead skin remaining on the tape is indicative, and just a fraction, of what is constantly collecting on the skin surface. It must be removed daily in order to maintain healthy skin.

Q & A


At just 19 years of age, Christi was already researching how our bodies react and change with age. She found discrepancies in mainstream messages prior to the term ‘Anti-Aging’ being coined in the beauty market. Long before the buzzword appeared on nearly every label, Christi Harris products were the solution to ‘aging’ skin. Now prolific—seemingly indicating clinical studies or scientific proof of same—'Anti-Aging’ has become a generic catch phrase in an attempt to gain sales traction.

Q & A


This is the decade we often begin to see obvious signs of sun damage and aging due to the sun. It is not too late, but it becomes critical to give your skin what it needs to be healthier. We invite you to frequently visit Christi's LEARN Section on the website for in-depth information about skin health and proper, effective skincare. And don’t miss the WHAT'S NEW Section to be updated frequently on all things beauty. As you learn from her teachings—you will connect the dots, developing a plan to welcome your coming years with beauty and confidence.

Q & A


Sun damage is very real! Characterized by a variety of issues including wrinkles, lines, flakiness, leathery & sallow complexions, and changes in tone & texture—all unfortunate cosmetic damage—the more serious concerns occur at the cellular level, which results in irregular thickening of the stratum corneum, thinning epidermis, reduced levels of glycosaminoglycans, (resulting in decreased moisture retention in the epidermis and dermis) causing dehydration, reduced and fragmented collagen & elastin, collapsed fibroblasts, and reduction of basal cell division. The latter, also contributing to aged, unattractive skin, unfortunately lays the groundwork for skin & cellular cancers.

STAY PROTECTED! For your face, regardless if you are running a quick errand or spending the day by the pool, always, always wear foundation with natural sunblock such as Titanium Dioxide or Zinc. Christi Harris Cream Foundation contains Titanium Dioxide, providing essential protection. Note: Sunblock and Sunscreen are NOT interchangeable. Opt for sunblock, applying generously for full coverage.

On your body, protect skin by exfoliating, moisturizing and choosing sun protection with the same natural sunblock ingredients. Liberally apply to any exposed areas such as neck, décolletage, and arms.

Properly protecting your skin from sun exposure will not only retard aging, but also help defend against skin cancer.

Protect your skin against the harmful rays of the sun with a natural SUNBLOCK every single day

Q & A


The Christi Harris Skincare Essentials 1-6 Steps is the best, most effective Anti-Aging method available, as it mimics internal skin function; including all your daily cleansing and evening treatment essentials to achieve normal, healthy skin. The 3 Steps to clean interfaced with 3 steps to treat & protect work synergistically to take care of the outside of your skin, never disturbing the natural function of the skin.



SKIN (n)

A highly elastic organ covering the entire outer surface of the human body, performing numerous functions essential to survival including prevention of fluid loss from the body tissues; protection against environmental toxins and micro-organisms; reception of heat, cold and pain sensations; regulation of normal body temperature; and maintenance of calcium levels. The three basic layers within the skin are the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous layer. Skin function is consistent regardless of age, gender or ethnicity.




More than 10 billion dead skin cells accumulate on the skins surface daily.


Sebaceous glands expel sebum (oil) that acts like glue attracting dead skin cells, dirt & surface oils that collect around a pore as it builds up, clogging the pore.


Drying surface skin only encourages more oil to surface.


If the skin is cleansed pores cannot be clogged by applying oils on the surface of the skin. Oil from the sebaceous glands is the oil that clogs pores.


With clogged pores and dead skin cells there is no entry for moisture to hydrate the skin, resulting in dry and/or oily, irritated skin. This is where problems begin.


Skin will accept water if dead skin barrier is gently exfoliated daily.


Exfoliating daily allows moisture to enter the skin without any existing barrier.


Moisture hydrates the skin giving it the level of moisture needed daily to remain normal.


Moisture must be sealed in the skin day and night with specific products formulated with appropriate sealants. No water-based product can seal moisture in the skin.


Moisture is the most critical element to maintain inside your skin.

Knowledge is power! And, can awaken an entirely new perspective on how you care for your skin and hair, making it effortless to appear more youthful. Understanding how the skin functions on the inside helps us also understand the why of skincare on the outside. Without knowledge, we may do more harm than good.

Consider this — Anatomically, skin functions only one way, therefore, it makes perfect sense that skincare should only work in one way. The solution is quite simple, opposed to varied and complex as some manufacturers would have you believe. As we have discussed we may ask, “Why are products advertised and sold for oily, dry, sensitive, problematic skin?” Good question. Are you willing to settle for a lifetime of skin issues, waiting and hoping for the ‘next best product’ to manage the challenges? When those so called, next best products don't work, your skin is left behind. Does it not make better sense to give your skin what it needs and finally have healthy, normal skin for a lifetime? Knowledge of skin function gives you the power to fix it forever. Once you understand the FACTS, you’ll be far less likely to (literally) buy into the expensive hype and false promises of advertising hoaxes, becoming a smarter, more educated consumer … one with beautiful skin and a healthier wallet!

So often, we discuss common frustrations with friends and family … including changes we experience with age, realizing they too are suffering from similar issues. We want to know what the other is using; maybe it’s working better than what we’re using? And we all have that one acquaintance who looks dynamite every single time we see her. She appears to be a beauty authority because she never ages. Upon seeing her, our first thought could be, “I’ll use what she’s using!”  Yet, for all we know she spends hours of her time and thousands of her dollars at medical-spas getting injections or a nip and a tuck from the plastic surgeon, turning her maintenance over to others, not understanding what she could do on her own with long term results. If so, those decisions are hers to make without judgement from anyone. Simply consider she may look great for the moment, but in time, without proper Self-Care at home, her skin will begin to utilize its natural defenses, rebelling against the torturous, destructive products prescribed and ... now what?

Ever feel as if we must be aware of, and guard ourselves against a million little things every day? Sometimes just watching the news can make us paranoid to leave our home; what with all the elements and chemicals and outside forces putting us at risk for damage and disease? RELAX! You have a great defender …your skin!

The skin is the largest organ of the human body. It is our front-line defender against all outside forces including the weather, elements, oxidants, free-radicals, toxins, germs, cuts, scrapes, bites … the list of its duties is endless. Skin is our external shield and merits our best Self-Care to not only maintain its health and beauty, but also to treat and protect it against aging damage. When we have problems with our skin, the skin will let us know as it will fight back. Our first clue, stop, identify the WHY, HOW, WHAT the skin needs.

At begins its natural function of skin cell renewal... generating billions of new skin cells every day.

Everyday...dead cells collect on the surface of the skin, creating layers preventing water from entering the pores to hydrate & nourish the new cells below.

When dry & flaky skin occurs, it seems clear that one should moisturize. However, the moisture cannot get through the barrier of dead skin. Any additional product whether it be moisture, makeup or powder only increases the barrier buildup which leads to even drier skin.

The skin begins to fight back and this is why we need to understand why we don't need to fight with our skin's natural function. Lack of moisture absorption causes problems by disrupting the regular function of oil production. The balance of the skin is altered causing dry patches and at the same time excess oil. Water or moisture can penetrate the skin's surface & has the ability to heal, moisturize & balance skin. When water can't absorb into the skin the sebaceous glands are sent false signals that the skin is dry & in need of more oil, leading to over-production. This oil, when combined with dead cell buildup, clogs pores & creates blemishes such as blackheads, whiteheads & acne.

The skin must be gently exfoliated DAILY for moisture to be absorbed. Using chemicals or aggressive methods is not recommended due to the disruption of the natural 28-day cell renewal cycle. Gentle exfoliation daily keeps dead skin cells & other factors from building a barrier and keeps the skin clear & constantly absorbing what the skin needs...moisture.

Cleansing skin with cool water encourages easier removal of dead skin cells & unclogs pores. Cooled skin will accept water more readily & deliver it deeper into the tissue. The face and neck should be masked weekly with a formula to naturally draw out impurities and thoroughly unclog pores so water has an open pathway for absorption. For skin to have 24-hr. nourishment a water based moisturizer needs to be covered with an oil based night creme to prevent water evaporation.

Other skin concerns can develop from the damaging effects of the environment. Sun exposure, chemicals and air-born irritants can aggravate rosacea, psoriasis, eczema and other disorders. These factors, combined with hormonal fluctuations and the ongoing aging process, rob the skin of its smoothness, firmness and elasticity. Balanced, healthy skin can only be achieved when you give your skin what it needs and when it needs it. Balanced skin is possible.

Christi has extensively researched how skin functions and proved how the skin can reach a normal balance within a short time. Developing and testing formulas to give the skin what it needs to normalize has given people the solution to maintaining perfect skin. Now skin can actually be balanced and repaired by using cleansing and treatment products containing natural ingredients, along with raw materials the skin needs to help moisture enter the skin and stay put. The skin cannot be tricked or it will fight back. It is our natural defender against bad elements and chemicals. When it is fed what it recognizes and in a precise and consistent order, it will accept it and love it.

With this knowledge, Christi created the Skincare Essentials and Skincare Provisions system formulated to mimic skin function, providing exactly what skin needs, when it needs it and in the appropriate proportions. Skin treatment fads have come and gone throughout the last several decades with the introduction and availability of harsh chemicals... alpha, beta and fruit acids, and a host of other ingredients, many synthetic, whose long-term effects we have seen are not pretty. However, in all these years, the Christi Harris Skincare Essentials System has never changed because when skin care is based on how the skin functions naturally—there is absolutely no advantage to change product steps or to utilize ingredients which, at the very least cannot improve the condition of the skin, and further could potentially cause harm.


Though we only see the outer layer, known as the epidermis, skin is comprised of many layers containing blood vessels, hormones, and a host of other tissues working simultaneously to safeguard our internal organs. The epidermis—composed of cells called keratinocytes, made of keratin, a hard substance that also forms your hair and nails—bonds with the next layer, the dermis. New skin cells are constantly being formed. As this happens, those new cells gradually push to the top layer, leaving dead skin cells behind. The top, exposed layer of dead cells is known as the stratum corneum.

The epidermis is in a constant state of renewal, with over 10 billion new skin cells generating daily. As I noted before, these newer cells continue to push to the surface, while older cells sit atop the visible outer layer of the skin where they die and become 'weathered' by the environment and daily activities. This cycle takes approximately one month to complete.

During this process, as aging cells make their way to the surface, they become trapped. The sebaceous glands expel sebum that acts like glue, attracting dead skin cells and clogging pores. Dirt, oil and dead skin collect around pores, building up and acting as a cap, much like a piece of tape covering the pore. In fact, for a quick example, stick a small piece of clear tape to your skin, then remove. What remains on the tape is dead skin cells and oil sitting on top of your newly developing skin. It is imperative that we gently exfoliate the dead cells and entrapped sebum DAILY. This one simple exercise is critical to help correct and prevent virtually any undesirable skin condition.

Skin thickness on different parts of the body vary greatly. For instance, soles of feet and palms of hands have thicknesses up to 4 millimeters, whereas knees and elbows are only 3 millimeters. Skin thickness varies with age and gender, too. Males typically have thicker skin than women; aging skin is generally thinner than more youthful skin.

So ... if thinner skin is generally a sign of aging would it be better if we had thicker skin? If you want your skin to experience a chemical natural disaster help is certainly available to do just that with Retin-A for the face and aggressive creams for troubled spots. These chemicals may cause the skin to become a bit thicker, only to sacrifice our skin to dryness, redness, wrinkles, sensitivity and severe irritation. All of which are results of the skin fighting back. This may be the time we girls don't need thick skin.

Any area that undergoes vigorous abrasion is naturally thicker than skin that is rarely grazed. But do you really want that? Keep this in mind next time you’re in the pedicure chair. Do not allow the technician to use harsh pumice—or even worse, the dreaded grater!

Skin may feel smoother for the moment, but because of our natural defenses, that skin will return thicker and more course than ever as the body attempts to “protect” what has been damaged. Much the same way callouses form on areas we continually irritate. Consider this when using harsh chemical exfoliants anywhere on your face or body such as retinol, salicylic, or alpha- and beta-hydroxy acid products and prescriptions whichever-exfoliate. Aggressive exfoliation will result in thickened, dry skin … definitely NOT desirous on the face, neck and décolletage and not even your feet.

Exfoliation, however, is a critical step in daily skincare; and there is a healthy method of exfoliation that will not only safely remove those billions of dead skin cells, naturally shed daily, but also leave skin better prepared to absorb moisture and nutrients daily.

Remember when we discussed how dead cells form a ‘cap’ on top of newly formed cells (in essence) ‘gluing’ sebum and grime to the skin's surface? Yuk! That dead skin, and everything attached, must be gently removed daily to expose beautiful, healthy new cells, and allow moisture and nutrients to absorb effectively. If the cap is not removed to let moisture feed the skin it will become dry, irritated and inflamed, causing an unattractive appearance and adverse reactions.

We put our face forward everyday. It stays with us forever. Put your face first and let Christi Harris share solutions that will benefit you forever. Our PROMISE!

Through endless research of known, proven science, Christi Harris grasped clearly the WHY skin reacts to proper care for restoration and continual optimum health.

From there, she developed the HOW; proper cleansing, preparation, gentle daily exfoliation, moisturization and sealing protectant.

Early in her career, she was stumped with the WHAT. As Christi searched diligently for a skin care line that worked with natural skin function in mind, nothing was available. Nothing!

As in true Christi Harris style, she set out to develop a complete line that was heretofore missing from the beauty aisle. The WHAT became and remains today Christi Harris Beauty.

Coining the phrase, “Makeover” in 1973, Christi Harris—Self-Care beauty innovator—developed a unique salon experience utilizing her personally designed and formulated professional products brand, teaching women tips & techniques for effective skin care and flawless makeup application. Clients left the salon looking and feeling fabulous, and because of her education-based revelation, taking with them detailed instruction on precisely how to recreate their new look at home.

Though the Christi Harris Makeover Center was the publicly acclaimed kickstart of her career. It certainly was not the beginning of her quest for the best in all things beauty. From a tender age, Christi’s innate talent, inquisitive spirit, and analytical mind led her to an industry sorely lacking in accurate, consistent information and products that delivered results as advertised.

Trust the Christi Harris brand with over 225 scientifically based, proven skin, hair & makeup essentials she passionately developed along with sound education and goof-proof tools that make you your own Self-Care Beauty Expert for life.

Filled with a wealth of knowledge in beauty & business following decades of relentless research & development, Christi shares all with her clients, empowering each to Be Your Own Kind Of Pretty. Everyday, all day at and the Christi Harris Self-Care Beauty Flagship in Dallas.

Q & A


It is embarrassing to consider how much money I have spent on beauty products that don’t do what they claim. There are different products for every part of my face & neck; some for wrinkles, lines & spots; others for breakouts, oiliness and dryness … and my skin is still unhappy!



Forgive yourself! It’s easy to get caught up in beauty product marketing hype. Welcome to Christi Harris—Innovating Beauty Solutions Since 1973. As with any subject, once we are educated and understand, knowledge prevails, empowering us to act accordingly. Once armed with facts about skin and skincare, you’ll never again fall prey to the propaganda.

Q & A


NO! NO! NO! Just as it is not necessary to visit your dentist to brush your teeth, you need not visit the salon to cleanse and treat your skin.

Christi has spent a lifetime not only creating products for healthy skin & hair, but moreover, teaching women, teens and men with the ‘WHY and HOW’ of proper self-care, rendering perfectly healthy and beautifully youthful skin & hair … no salon required.

Christi Harris is a educational platform, first and foremost, with the goal of liberating consumers to be their own life-long beauty expert.

Q & A



If, like countless others, you have fallen prey to many advertised trends and fads in skincare, you’ve likely experienced negative results from aggressive chemical exfoliants such as retinoids, alpha & beta hydroxy, glycolic, or salicylic acids, and manual exfoliants such as rough-crushed seeds, polyethylene beads, or abrasive pads are all enemies of healthy skin. Not only are these products highly irritating, they can severely damage, even permanently scar your skin.

Kudos for your awareness that exfoliation is a necessary step to healthy skin. However, the only way to safely achieve this step is through gentle means using a nourishing exfoliant cream such as Christi’s Honey & Almond Exfoliant containing the perfect blend of ground seedless almonds for exfoliation and honey for its anti-bacterial and soothing effects.

Q & A


Daily exfoliation is absolutely necessary. Remember more than 10 billion dead skin cells accumulate on the skins surface daily. If you only exfoliate once weekly, for example, you will collect days of cells and other debris around pores, creating problem skin.

Try this simple test. Place a piece of clear tape on your skin, then peel it off. The oil and dead skin remaining on the tape is indicative, and just a fraction, of what is constantly collecting on skin surface. It must be removed daily in order to maintain healthy skin.

Q & A



At just 19 years of age, Christi was already researching how our bodies react and change with age. She found discrepancies in mainstream messages prior to the term ‘Anti-Aging’ being coined in the beauty market. Long before the buzzword appeared on nearly every label, Christi Harris products were the solution to ‘aging’ skin. Now prolific—seemingly indicating clinical studies or scientific proof of same—'Anti-Aging’ has become a generic catch phrase in an attempt to gain sales traction.

Q & A


This is the decade we often begin to see obvious signs of sun damage and aging due to the sun. It is not too late, but it becomes critical to give your skin what it needs to be healthier. We invite you to frequently visit Christi's LEARN Section on the website for in-depth information about skin health and proper, effective skincare. And don’t miss the WHAT'S NEW Section to be updated frequently on all things beauty. As you learn from her teachings—you will connect the dots, developing a plan to welcome your coming years with beauty and confidence.

Q & A


Sun damage is very real! Characterized by a variety of issues including wrinkles, lines, flakiness, leathery & sallow complexions, and changes in tone & texture—all unfortunate cosmetic damage—the more serious concerns occur at the cellular level, which results in irregular thickening of the stratum corneum, thinning epidermis, reduced levels of glycosaminoglycans, (resulting in decreased moisture retention in the epidermis and dermis) causing dehydration, reduced and fragmented collagen & elastin, collapsed fibroblasts, and reduction of basal cell division. The latter, also contributing to aged, unattractive skin, unfortunately lays the groundwork for skin & cellular cancers.

STAY PROTECTED! For your face, regardless if you are running a quick errand or spending the day by the pool, always, always wear foundation with natural sunblock such as Titanium Dioxide or Zinc. Christi Harris Cream Foundation contains Titanium Dioxide, providing essential protection. Note: Sunblock and Sunscreen are NOT interchangeable. Opt for sunblock, applying generously for full coverage.

On your body, protect skin by exfoliating, moisturizing and choosing sun protection with the same natural sunblock ingredients. Liberally apply to any exposed areas such as neck, décolleté and arms.

Properly protecting your skin from sun exposure will not only retard aging, but also help defend against skin cancer.

Protect your skin against the harmful rays of the sun with a natural SUNBLOCK every single day.

Q & A


The Christi Harris Skincare Essentials 1-6 Steps is the best, most effective Anti-Aging method available, as it mimics internal skin function; including all your daily cleansing and evening treatment essentials to achieve normal, healthy skin. The 3 Steps to clean interfaced with 3 steps to treat & protect work synergistically to take care of the outside of your skin, never disturbing the natural function of the skin.



SKIN (n)

A highly elastic organ covering the entire outer surface of the human body, performing numerous functions essential to survival including prevention of fluid loss from the body tissues; protection against environmental toxins and micro-organisms; reception of heat, cold and pain sensations; regulation of normal body temperature; and maintenance of calcium levels. The three basic layers within the skin are the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous layer. Skin function is consistent regardless of age, gender or ethnicity.




More than 10 billion dead skin cells accumulate on the skins surface daily.


Sebaceous glands expel sebum (oil) that acts like glue attracting dead skin cells, dirt & surface oils that collect around a pore as it builds up, clogging the pore.


Drying surface skin only encourages more oil to surface.


If the skin is cleansed pores cannot be clogged by applying oils on the surface of the skin. Oil from the sebaceous glands is the oil that clogs pores.


With clogged pores and dead skin cells there is no entry for moisture to hydrate the skin, resulting in dry and/or oily, irritated skin. This is where problems begin.


Skin will accept water if dead skin barrier is gently exfoliated daily.


Exfoliating daily allows moisture to enter the skin without any existing barrier.


Moisture hydrates the skin giving it the level of moisture needed daily to remain normal.


Moisture must be sealed in the skin day and night with specific products formulated with appropriate sealants. No water-based product can seal moisture in the skin.


Moisture is the most critical element to maintain inside your skin.

Knowledge is power! And, can awaken an entirely new perspective on how you care for your skin and hair, making it effortless to appear more youthful. Understanding how the skin functions on the inside helps us also understand the why of skincare on the outside. Without knowledge, we may do more harm than good.

Consider this — Anatomically, skin functions only one way, therefore, it makes perfect sense that skincare should only work in one way. The solution is quite simple, opposed to varied and complex as some manufacturers would have you believe. As we have discussed we may ask, “Why are products advertised and sold for oily, dry, sensitive, problematic skin?” Good question. Are you willing to settle for a lifetime of skin issues, waiting and hoping for the ‘next best product’ to manage the challenges? When those so called, next best products don't work, your skin is left behind. Does it not make better sense to give your skin what it needs and finally have healthy, normal skin for a lifetime? Knowledge of skin function gives you the power to fix it forever. Once you understand the FACTS, you’ll be far less likely to (literally) buy into the expensive hype and false promises of advertising hoaxes, becoming a smarter, more educated consumer … one with beautiful skin and a healthier wallet!

So often, we discuss common frustrations with friends and family … including changes we experience with age, realizing they too are suffering from similar issues. We want to know what the other is using; maybe it’s working better than what we’re using? And we all have that one acquaintance who looks dynamite every single time we see her. She appears to be a beauty authority because she never ages. Upon seeing her, our first thought could be, “I’ll use what she’s using!”  Yet, for all we know she spends hours of her time and thousands of her dollars at medical-spas getting injections or a nip and a tuck from the plastic surgeon, turning her maintenance over to others, not understanding what she could do on her own with long term results. If so, those decisions are hers to make without judgement from anyone. Simply consider she may look great for the moment, but in time, without proper Self-Care at home, her skin will begin to utilize its natural defenses, rebelling against the torturous, destructive products prescribed and ... now what?

Ever feel as if we must be aware of, and guard ourselves against a million little things every day? Sometimes just watching the news can make us paranoid to leave our home; what with all the elements and chemicals and outside forces putting us at risk for damage and disease? RELAX! You have a great defender …your skin!

The skin is the largest organ of the human body. It is our front-line defender against all outside forces including the weather, elements, oxidants, free-radicals, toxins, germs, cuts, scrapes, bites … the list of its duties is endless. Skin is our external shield and merits our best Self-Care to not only maintain its health and beauty, but also to treat and protect it against aging damage. When we have problems with our skin, the skin will let us know as it will fight back. Our first clue, stop, identify the WHY, HOW, WHAT the skin needs.

At begins its natural function of skin cell renewal... generating billions of new skin cells every day.

Everyday...dead cells collect on the surface of the skin, creating layers preventing water from entering the pores to hydrate & nourish the new cells below.

When dry & flaky skin occurs, it seems clear that one should moisturize. However, the moisture cannot get through the barrier of dead skin. Any additional product whether it be moisture, makeup or powder only increases the barrier buildup which leads to even drier skin.

The skin begins to fight back and this is why we need to understand why we don't need to fight with our skin's natural function. Lack of moisture absorption causes problems by disrupting the regular function of oil production. The balance of the skin is altered causing dry patches and at the same time excess oil. Water or moisture can penetrate the skin's surface & has the ability to heal, moisturize & balance skin. When water can't absorb into the skin the sebaceous glands are sent false signals that the skin is dry & in need of more oil, leading to over-production. This oil, when combined with dead cell buildup, clogs pores & creates blemishes such as blackheads, whiteheads & acne.

The skin must be gently exfoliated DAILY for moisture to be absorbed. Using chemicals or aggressive methods is not recommended due to the disruption of the natural 28-day cell renewal cycle. Gentle exfoliation daily keeps dead skin cells & other factors from building a barrier and keeps the skin clear & constantly absorbing what the skin needs...moisture.

Cleansing skin with cool water encourages easier removal of dead skin cells & unclogs pores. Cooled skin will accept water more readily & deliver it deeper into the tissue. The face and neck should be masked weekly with a formula to naturally draw out impurities and thoroughly unclog pores so water has an open pathway for absorption. For skin to have 24-hr. nourishment a water based moisturizer needs to be covered with an oil based night creme to prevent water evaporation.

Other skin concerns can develop from the damaging effects of the environment. Sun exposure, chemicals and air-born irritants can aggravate rosacea, psoriasis, eczema and other disorders. These factors, combined with hormonal fluctuations and the ongoing aging process, rob the skin of its smoothness, firmness and elasticity. Balanced, healthy skin can only be achieved when you give your skin what it needs and when it needs it. Balanced skin is possible.

Christi has extensively researched how skin functions and proved how the skin can reach a normal balance within a short time. Developing and testing formulas to give the skin what it needs to normalize has given people the solution to maintaining perfect skin. Now skin can actually be balanced and repaired by using cleansing and treatment products containing natural ingredients, along with raw materials the skin needs to help moisture enter the skin and stay put. The skin cannot be tricked or it will fight back. It is our natural defender against bad elements and chemicals. When it is fed what it recognizes and in a precise and consistent order, it will accept it and love it.

With this knowledge, Christi created the Skincare Essentials and Skincare Provisions system formulated to mimic skin function, providing exactly what skin needs, when it needs it and in the appropriate proportions. Skin treatment fads have come and gone throughout the last several decades with the introduction and availability of harsh chemicals... alpha, beta and fruit acids, and a host of other ingredients, many synthetic, whose long-term effects we have seen are not pretty. However, in all these years, the Christi Harris Skincare Essentials System has never changed because when skin care is based on how the skin functions naturally—there is absolutely no advantage to change product steps or to utilize ingredients which, at the very least cannot improve the condition of the skin, and further could potentially cause harm.


Though we only see the outer layer, known as the epidermis, skin is comprised of many layers containing blood vessels, hormones, and a host of other tissues working simultaneously to safeguard our internal organs. The epidermis—composed of cells called keratinocytes, made of keratin, a hard substance that also forms your hair and nails—bonds with the next layer, the dermis. New skin cells are constantly being formed. As this happens, those new cells gradually push to the top layer, leaving dead skin cells behind. The top, exposed layer of dead cells is known as the stratum corneum.

The epidermis is in a constant state of renewal, with over 10 billion new skin cells generating daily. As I noted before, these newer cells continue to push to the surface, while older cells sit atop the visible outer layer of the skin where they die and become 'weathered' by the environment and daily activities. This cycle takes approximately one month to complete.

During this process, as aging cells make their way to the surface, they become trapped. The sebaceous glands expel sebum that acts like glue, attracting dead skin cells and clogging pores. Dirt, oil and dead skin collect around pores, building up and acting as a cap, much like a piece of tape covering the pore. In fact, for a quick example, stick a small piece of clear tape to your skin, then remove. What remains on the tape is dead skin cells and oil sitting on top of your newly developing skin. It is imperative that we gently exfoliate the dead cells and entrapped sebum DAILY. This one simple exercise is critical to help correct and prevent virtually any undesirable skin condition.

Skin thickness on different parts of the body vary greatly. For instance, soles of feet and palms of hands have thicknesses up to 4 millimeters, whereas knees and elbows are only 3 millimeters. Skin thickness varies with age and gender, too. Males typically have thicker skin than women; aging skin is generally thinner than more youthful skin.

So ... if thinner skin is generally a sign of aging would it be better if we had thicker skin? If you want your skin to experience a chemical natural disaster help is certainly available to do just that with Retin-A for the face and aggressive creams for troubled spots. These chemicals may cause the skin to become a bit thicker, only to sacrifice our skin to dryness, redness, wrinkles, sensitivity and severe irritation. All of which are results of the skin fighting back. This may be the time we girls don't need thick skin.

Any area that undergoes vigorous abrasion is naturally thicker than skin that is rarely grazed. But do you really want that? Keep this in mind next time you’re in the pedicure chair. Do not allow the technician to use harsh pumice—or even worse, the dreaded grater!

Skin may feel smoother for the moment, but because of our natural defenses, that skin will return thicker and more course than ever as the body attempts to “protect” what has been damaged. Much the same way callouses form on areas we continually irritate. Consider this when using harsh chemical exfoliants anywhere on your face or body such as retinol, salicylic, or alpha- and beta-hydroxy acid products and prescriptions whichever-exfoliate. Aggressive exfoliation will result in thickened, dry skin … definitely NOT desirous on the face, neck and décolletage and not even your feet.

Exfoliation, however, is a critical step in daily skincare; and there is a healthy method of exfoliation that will not only safely remove those billions of dead skin cells, naturally shed daily, but also leave skin better prepared to absorb moisture and nutrients daily.

Remember when we discussed how dead cells form a ‘cap’ on top of newly formed cells (in essence) ‘gluing’ sebum and grime to the skin's surface? Yuk! That dead skin, and everything attached, must be gently removed daily to expose beautiful, healthy new cells, and allow moisture and nutrients to absorb effectively. If the cap is not removed to let moisture feed the skin it will become dry, irritated and inflamed, causing an unattractive appearance and adverse reactions.

We put our face forward everyday. It stays with us forever. Put your face first and let Christi Harris share solutions that will benefit you forever. Our PROMISE!

Through endless research of known, proven science, Christi Harris grasped clearly the WHY skin reacts to proper care for restoration and continual optimum health.

From there, she developed the HOW; proper cleansing, preparation, gentle daily exfoliation, moisturization and sealing protectant.

Early in her career, she was stumped with the WHAT. As Christi searched diligently for a skin care line that worked with natural skin function in mind, nothing was available. Nothing!

As in true Christi Harris style, she set out to develop a complete line that was heretofore missing from the beauty aisle. The WHAT became and remains today Christi Harris Beauty.

Coining the phrase, “Makeover” in 1973, Christi Harris—Self-Care beauty innovator—developed a unique salon experience utilizing her personally designed and formulated professional products brand, teaching women tips & techniques for effective skin care and flawless makeup application. Clients left the salon looking and feeling fabulous, and because of her education-based revelation, taking with them detailed instruction on precisely how to recreate their new look at home.

Though the Christi Harris Makeover Center was the publicly acclaimed kickstart of her career. It certainly was not the beginning of her quest for the best in all things beauty. From a tender age, Christi’s innate talent, inquisitive spirit, and analytical mind led her to an industry sorely lacking in accurate, consistent information and products that delivered results as advertised.

Trust the Christi Harris brand with over 225 scientifically based, proven skin, hair & makeup essentials she passionately developed along with sound education and goof-proof tools that make you your own Self-Care Beauty Expert for life.

Filled with a wealth of knowledge in beauty & business following decades of relentless research & development, Christi shares all with her clients, empowering each to Be Your Own Kind Of Pretty. Everyday, all day at and the Christi Harris Self-Care Beauty Flagship in Dallas.

Q & A


It is embarrassing to consider how much money I have spent on beauty products that don’t do what they claim. There are different products for every part of my face & neck; some for wrinkles, lines & spots; others for breakouts, oiliness and dryness … and my skin is still unhappy!



Forgive yourself! It’s easy to get caught up in beauty product marketing hype. Welcome to Christi Harris—Innovating Beauty Solutions Since 1973. As with any subject, once we are educated and understand, knowledge prevails, empowering us to act accordingly. Once armed with facts about skin and skincare, you’ll never again fall prey to the propaganda.

Q & A


NO! NO! NO! Just as it is not necessary to visit your dentist to brush your teeth, you need not visit the salon to cleanse and treat your skin.

Christi has spent a lifetime not only creating products for healthy skin & hair, but moreover, teaching women, teens and men with the ‘WHY and HOW’ of proper self-care, rendering perfectly healthy and beautifully youthful skin & hair … no salon required.

Christi Harris is a educational platform, first and foremost, with the goal of liberating consumers to be their own life-long beauty expert.

Q & A



If, like countless others, you have fallen prey to many advertised trends and fads in skincare, you’ve likely experienced negative results from aggressive chemical exfoliants such as retinoids, alpha & beta hydroxy, glycolic, or salicylic acids, and manual exfoliants such as rough-crushed seeds, polyethylene beads, or abrasive pads are all enemies of healthy skin. Not only are these products highly irritating, they can severely damage, even permanently scar your skin.

Kudos for your awareness that exfoliation is a necessary step to healthy skin. However, the only way to safely achieve this step is through gentle means using a nourishing exfoliant cream such as Christi’s Honey & Almond Exfoliant containing the perfect blend of ground seedless almonds for exfoliation and honey for its anti-bacterial and soothing effects.

Q & A


Daily exfoliation is absolutely necessary. Remember more than 10 billion dead skin cells accumulate on the skins surface daily. If you only exfoliate once weekly, for example, you will collect days of cells and other debris around pores, creating problem skin.

Try this simple test. Place a piece of clear tape on your skin, then peel it off. The oil and dead skin remaining on the tape is indicative, and just a fraction, of what is constantly collecting on skin surface. It must be removed daily in order to maintain healthy skin.

Q & A



At just 19 years of age, Christi was already researching how our bodies react and change with age. She found discrepancies in mainstream messages prior to the term ‘Anti-Aging’ being coined in the beauty market. Long before the buzzword appeared on nearly every label, Christi Harris products were the solution to ‘aging’ skin. Now prolific—seemingly indicating clinical studies or scientific proof of same—'Anti-Aging’ has become a generic catch phrase in an attempt to gain sales traction.

Q & A


This is the decade we often begin to see obvious signs of sun damage and aging due to the sun. It is not too late, but it becomes critical to give your skin what it needs to be healthier. We invite you to frequently visit Christi's LEARN Section on the website for in-depth information about skin health and proper, effective skincare. And don’t miss the WHAT'S NEW Section to be updated frequently on all things beauty. As you learn from her teachings—you will connect the dots, developing a plan to welcome your coming years with beauty and confidence.

Q & A


Sun damage is very real! Characterized by a variety of issues including wrinkles, lines, flakiness, leathery & sallow complexions, and changes in tone & texture—all unfortunate cosmetic damage—the more serious concerns occur at the cellular level, which results in irregular thickening of the stratum corneum, thinning epidermis, reduced levels of glycosaminoglycans, (resulting in decreased moisture retention in the epidermis and dermis) causing dehydration, reduced and fragmented collagen & elastin, collapsed fibroblasts, and reduction of basal cell division. The latter, also contributing to aged, unattractive skin, unfortunately lays the groundwork for skin & cellular cancers.

STAY PROTECTED! For your face, regardless if you are running a quick errand or spending the day by the pool, always, always wear foundation with natural sunblock such as Titanium Dioxide or Zinc. Christi Harris Cream Foundation contains Titanium Dioxide, providing essential protection. Note: Sunblock and Sunscreen are NOT interchangeable. Opt for sunblock, applying generously for full coverage.

On your body, protect skin by exfoliating, moisturizing and choosing sun protection with the same natural sunblock ingredients. Liberally apply to any exposed areas such as neck, décolleté and arms.

Properly protecting your skin from sun exposure will not only retard aging, but also help defend against skin cancer.

Protect your skin against the harmful rays of the sun with a natural SUNBLOCK every single day.

Q & A


The Christi Harris Skincare Essentials 1-6 Steps is the best, most effective Anti-Aging method available, as it mimics internal skin function; including all your daily cleansing and evening treatment essentials to achieve normal, healthy skin. The 3 Steps to clean interfaced with 3 steps to treat & protect work synergistically to take care of the outside of your skin, never disturbing the natural function of the skin.